Julien Foucher
 * Greetings and thanks for using //TODO (Code Todo List)
 * Contact: me@julien-foucher.com
 * //TODO (Code Todo List) on the asset store ==> http://u3d.as/1QBP

// HOW TO OPEN //TODO (Code Todo List) WINDOW:

Open window

// HOW TO START USING //TODO (Code Todo List)

//In the "Keywords" tab, add the keywords you want to track.

//All the single line comments in your code that starts with
//this keyword will be displayed in the "Comments" tab

//Click on any comment in the "Comments" tab to open the file
//at the right line


//The comments detected are displayed here.

//Click on a comment to open the file at the comment's line.

//Use the searchfield on the top part of the window to search
//for a specific term in the comments/keywords/filename.

//Sort the comments by clicking on the columns header.

//Right click on the column header to hide/show

//Hide/display comments associated to a specific keyword by
//clicking on the eye button in the top part of the window.


//Define the keywords you want to track here.

//You can define a custom color for each keywords.

//Drag and drop keywords to reorganize it
//(see "Keyword sort order" in settings)

//If a keyword is hilighted in red, it is invalid.
//It may be because the field is empty
//or because the keyword is defined twice.


//Auto refresh:
//If enabled, the tool will automatically refresh the comments
//list when needed (after the keywords are modified,
//after the project compilation etc...).

//Trim comment:
//If activated, the comment list will be generated with trimmed
//comments (ex: "//todo" and "// todo" will be detected
//with "todo" as keyword).

//Search in .cs files:
//Enable the C# files parsing.

//Search in .js files:
//Enable the JavaScript files parsing.

//Case sensitive keyword:
//If activated, the comments will be parsed case sensitive

//Enable help tooltips:
//If activated, some buttons will have tooltip
//You can disable it if you find that they are anoying

//Open file modifier:
//Select a modifier that you have to use in order to open
//the file at the comment's line
//(ex : shift+click on a comment to jump to it)

//Keyword sort order:
//Define the way the objects will be sorted in the comment
//tab when you click on the keyword header.
//Alphabetically or by the order defined in "Keywords" tab

//Show comment tooltip:
//Display a tooltip when you hover a comment
//in the comment list
//It contains the full comment and filename/line

//Show keyword:
//Display the keyword in the tooltip

//Show line and filename:
//Display the line and filename in the tooltip

//Display modifier:
//Display the comment tooltip only when this modifier is active.

//You can exclude files and folders so the comments presents in
//these files will not be parsed.
//It's better for the performances to exclude folders if
//all the files that are in this folders should not be parsed.


 * If you have any questions
 * If you want a new feature
 * If you find a bug
 * ---> Please send me a message.
 * Contact: me@julien-foucher.com
 * If you have a bug report, please explain what you want to achieve,
 * what your problem is and how to reproduce the bug.